Monday, October 4, 2010

The City

I want to go into a city that isn't occupied by any living being. I want to look into the night sky and see the stars clearly without any lights to make them fade out. I want to walk the streets and hear to echo of my shoes. I want to look up at the sky scrappers. I want to feel the calm breeze running through the ally ways. I want to be alone. I don't want noise anymore. I want complete silence. Too much noise causes misunderstanding. I want the stars to be engulfed by clouds. I want to be soaked to the bone in cold rain. I want to feel the cold run down my back. I want to feel peace. There is too much going on. Too much nonsense. Too much of being pulled into situations I don't want to be in. I want to be left alone. I want to walk this city alone. I can fend for myself. I can find shelter on my own. I want to walk in a city where there is no noise.

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