Sunday, August 29, 2010

Some Regret.

Today, I have 19 days left till I move to the Bay Area. Oh, how exciting it shall be, but at the same time, I have never felt to stressed out as I am now. It's this tightness in my chest...this nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach. So many things are running through my mind. I don't want to be so far away from my mom. That's the only thing I'm stressed out about. There isn't anything else. I will have my friends here. I will make time to keep in touch with them, but not being around my mom is just flippen crappy. I'm afraid of getting home sick. I'm afraid of not liking my school. I'm afraid my roommate might hate me because I don't go clubbing as much as her. I'm afraid I'll be alone. I'm afraid it won't be as fun as I think it will be. I'm afraid of leaving Hacienda Heights. I'm afraid that school is going to suck. I'm going to miss my mom so much. I have to remember, though, I am not the only one that is going through this. A number of kids I know are in different states! I'm just six hours away! I can't let this stress way me down. I need to get out of it. I think, once I see my roommate, and move in,I'll be better. I'm really not sure. I feel like I'm falling down, and I'm waiting for the anticipation of hitting the floor, and it isn't coming. I just want to hit the ground so I don't have to feel so much stress and anxiety. I feel a little better now that I've talked to my friend that is living in Chicago. It really took some of the stress of me.

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