Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams."

I want all the people in my dreams that are positive and give me a sense of hope and happiness, to come alive. I want to meet those people and I want to thrive off their energy. I yearn for that positive feeling. I yearn for that love from that one guy in my dream. I strive for that conversation, that embrace from my brother. I set my goals for that cool apartment with the brick walls I lived in, in San Fransisco. I want to be in my dreams. Those people, those places, those feelings, they're everything I want in life. The quote above is true. That one thing that you used to crave for, will always come out in your dreams. I want to keep that person, I want to keep those feelings, but once you wake up, those feelings aren't there. It's a sad and awful thing to wake up to.

1 comment:

  1. In psychodynamic theory, This is called the Unconcious wish of Fullfillment.
